Partnership Details


Espot club partners are those individuals, groups,companies or associations who want to grow and promote their business with Espot club members. Espot club has around two lakhs members who are categorized into Platinum, Diamond, Gold, silver and Espot family hood.


What Espot club gives to its PARTNERS??

  1. Name, Logo, Services and offers of the Partners will be listed on our website.
  2. Special and free offers, Gift vouchers and discounts provided by the partners will be displayed on our website as well.
  3. Partners' website will be linked with our members.
  4. The venue of Espot clubs monthly convention will be selected among our partners.
  5. Promotion of new products and services of our partners in Monthly conventions.
  6. For any special branch or product launches of our partners we send invitations to our members to visit their websites or venues.
  7. We create networking between our partners to help them grow with mutual benefits.
  8. In case of any difficulties our partners will get the support and power of entire Espot club members.


What do you have to give??

Special offers, gift vouchers, special discounts and special gifts for lucky draws in Espot Monthly conventions.

Renewal of Partnership anually.




mira bajracharya


Our Partners