Frequently Asked Questions

Know The Terms

1. What is an Internship?

An Internship refers to the work done by a student after completion of their studies or during their studies that involves gaining practical and professional experience related to their field of study. This experience is aimed at developing skills and achieving success in their professional life by delivering a good performance.


1.Free Internship Training

The first step of the "Internship to Entrepreneurship" program is Free Registration. Free Registration means signing up for free on the website and applying to participate in the "Internship to Entrepreneurship" program.

Internship Training. Free Internship Training means receiving training on various topics from experts for free for one week in Kathmandu, in order to do a paid internship in your own place.

E-Spot Club will provide different types of training which will include:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Photography
  • Leadership, Personality and Communication Development
  • Internship Performance Management
  • Marketing Management

2.Paid Internship

The stage following the Free Internship Training is known as a Paid Internship. A Paid Internship refers to the program where one works at their own location and convenient time to earn a satisfactory amount of money after successfully completing the internship training.

The following qualifications are required to participate in this program:

  • Must be a Nepali citizen.
  • Must be over 18 years old.
  • Candidates should have passed SLC/SEE, +2/Bachelor pass will be more preferred.
  • The applicant should not have held any criminal records in the Police Report.

Following are the procedures to participate and be selected for the Paid Internship Program:

  • Applicants can register their application through
  • Applicants must upload their citizenship, passport taken within 6 months and all educational certificates they have obtained on
  • Applicants will be selected based on their application and online interview.
  • Selected applicants will be given free internship training in Kathmandu.
  • Eligible applicants who have attended the entire training period of the internship training, have been disciplined and followed the rules will have a face-to-face interview again, through the same interview the final selection for the Paid Internship program will be made.
  • Applicants will be contracted for a paid internship at their own place, at their own convenient time.
  • The final selection process to participate in the Paid Internship program involves a physical interview for suitable applicants who have attended the entire training period of the Internship Training, adhered to the discipline, and complied with the rules. The final selection for the Paid Internship program will be made through this interview.

  • Your own place refers to the permanent or temporary place of residence where you are recognized by your acquaintances.
  • The convenient time means getting work done at your own time at a convenient time for you and your customers.
  • A Paid Internship is the activity of earning money by completing tasks according to the guidance and arrangement of the E-Spot Club at your own place and convenient time.
  • During the internship training, you will be taught knowledge, skills, planning, objectives, and guidance. You will be expected to complete responsibilities and tasks such as consultations according to the instructions given, digital marketing, photography, market management, advertisement management, and public relations enhancement. Detailed information about these will be provided during the internship training.

    There is no fee to register or take training in this program, but during the training period, the participants will have to pay for travel expenses to and from Kathmandu, food and accommodation expenses in Kathmandu, lunch expenses during the training period or any other expenses.

    When doing Paid Internship at your own place and at your own convenient time, the earnings are determined according to your performance. Hence, if you are successful in doing a good job, you will be able to earn a sufficient amount of financial incentives. Detailed information about this will be provided during the internship training.

    After completing this Paid Internship program, if you want to participate in Entrepreneurship training, you will not have to pay any fees or have any kind of binding contract.

    More information about this program will be provided during the free internship training in Kathmandu.